Originally written for DrDude79
Content warnings for this story (click here for guide):

It was going to be an amazing exhibition. The critics had raved about the artwork, the curation and the venue, and Louisa had been trying to get tickets for months. Finally she had succeeded, and she couldn’t wait to mix with the art crowd. On the morning of the booking, she showered and laid out a chic, sophisticated outfit: tight black jeans, silver boots and an oversized grey silk shirt.
The man she knew only as Daddy walked in as she was selecting a necklace.
“Excited about the gallery, sweetie?”
He looked at her clothing choices and smiled.
“Aww, those aren’t your clothes, Lollypops.”
Louisa blushed and winced. Not today. Not today, please.
“Actually, they are. And it’s Louisa. Stop calling me Lolly.”
She fastened her bra, pulled up her dark plum panties and tugged her shirt over her head. Daddy watched her, amused.
“What?” she snapped, putting one leg into her jeans. “What’s so funny?”
“Oh, nothing,” smiled Daddy. “Just that you’re going to make us late if I have to spank you.”
“And even later if you have to get dressed twice.”
“But I don’t –“
She had just slid a foot into the second jeans-leg when Daddy caught her wrist. He ignored her protestations, and steered her toward the chair in the corner. Hobbled by her jeans, she had to waddle awkwardly along.
“No! I haven’t done anything –“
He sat down and pulled her over his lap, sharp pulling down her panties.
“Little Lolly is being so rude today. I think she just wants attention, though. Let’s make sure she gets it.”
WHACK. His hand came down on her bottom, and Louisa squealed.
WHACK. He began to spank her in earnest, calmly adjusting her as she tried to wriggle free.
“Stay still and be a good girl for Daddy, or this continues, baby. I can keep going for some time, so please don’t test me.”
“Owwwwwwwwowowwowowow please no!”
Hot tears of embarrassment filled Louisa’s eyes. It was mortifying to be so easily captured and spanked like a naughty little girl, and to hear her voice squealing and begging as Daddy’s hard hand smacked her bottom. Even worse, she could feel herself responding to the spanking, getting warm and wet between her legs.
Please don’t let him see that, she prayed.
Finally, when she was suitably pink, and had yelped and jiggled enough, Daddy helped her back up.
Louisa caught her reflection in the mirror. Tears marked her blotchy red cheeks and her nose had run a little. Her neat hairstyle had been mussed and tousled. She looked like a toddler who’d just had a tantrum.
“Now, Lolly. Take off those clothes please. Daddy has a much nicer outfit for your trip to the gallery.”
She stripped off furiously, throwing her clothes in the corner and glaring at the floor.
“Panties too.”
“Ugh!” She flung the panties down in a temper.
“Such a grumpy girl today,” said Daddy. “But you’re going to be so sweet for me when we go to the show, I know it.”
He led her through to the spare bedroom, and Louisa’s heart sank. Laid out on the bed were a prim little white puff-sleeved blouse and a candy-striped pinafore dress with a pretty flared skirt. Beside these, he had left white ruffle socks and a choice: pastel kiddy trainers or shiny Mary Jane buckle shoes.

She looked round at Daddy, as if to say “Really?” He raised an eyebrow, as if to reply “Yes, really. Unless you want another spanking.”
She stamped in frustration, which only made him chuckle, and he watched as she angrily buttoned up the blouse, slipped into the swishy pinny and pulled on the socks and shoes. She scruffed up her short hair in defiance. In response, Daddy picked up a clip-in hair bow, gathered a section of hair, and turned the punky spike into a dorky toddler topknot.

Louisa blushed furiously in her cute clothes and mumbled something about needing her panties back.
“Of course, I nearly forgot!” said Daddy warmly. “Poor Lolly must be chilly down there! But not panties, no.”
Before she could argue, he laid her firmly on the bed and buckled her hand into restraints. Louisa screeched in outrage.
“What are you – lemme out NOW! NOW!”
He ignored her protests and went calmly to the cupboard, returning with baby wipes, powder and a thick disposable nappy.
Locked to the bed, Louisa’s eyes widened. She was just about to explode with curses when Daddy pushed a dummy into her mouth.
“UMMPPPPH!” She raged, twisting and wriggling her legs away from him.
Daddy whistled as he scooped up her ankles and folded her in half like a baby. Looking at her exposed pussy, he grinned when he saw the telltale wetness.
“Did Lollypops enjoy her spanking a little too much? Or is she just really excited to wear her cute nappy?”
With her mouth full of dummy, Louisa whimpered.
Daddy gently wiped her, paying special attention to her sensitised clit. He watched with amusement as the odd stroke here and there made her legs twitch involuntarily.
He then dug in his bag and pulled out an egg-shaped object, before delving his fingers into a pot of coconut oil. He turned back to face Louisa, coating the egg with oil as he watched her. He dipped his fingers back into the oil and sat down on the bed beside her.
Louisa felt herself gently panting as Daddy reached down between her legs, melting the cool oil over her hot little clit. He smoothed it over her pussy, flicking his fingers over her sensitive parts and gently pinching and rubbing until sparks flew in her brain and a tiny moan escaped her mouth.
As he stroked her, Daddy explained, “We’re going to play a little game today, Baby. We’re going to pop this into your warm little pussy, and all you have to do is keep it safe. Can you do that for Daddy?”
She gasped as he slipped the egg easily inside her.
“Good girl. And now you need some panties for today.”
He held up the nappy with its dancing teddybear print. “Just kidding, sweetie. I know you were hoping to wear sexy big-girl knickers, but I can’t trust you not to go pee-pee in them.”
Louisa grunted in outrage, but as she squirmed again, her ankles in Daddy’s grip, the egg inside her shifted and a wave of pleasure washed over her.
No, she thought! She was not going to come in front of Daddy. She wasn’t!
Daddy opened the nappy with his free hand and scooted it underneath her bottom. It crinkled and rustled and her face grew hot. Why did that padded plastic make her feel so very little?
He powdered her thickly with baby scent, teasing her with little pats here and there. Dizzy Louisa could hardly kick anymore, or even jerk herself away from him – when she tried, it became a cute little waggle. Daddy’s firm, practised movements made her heart race, as did the feel of the diaper beneath her bottom. She did not resist as he pulled the thick nappy up through her legs, taping it snugly together.
Daddy undid the handcuffs and helped her up, and Louisa cringed to hear the diaper rustle. Daddy pulled her pinny skirt over the thick padding, patting her lovingly on the bottom. He took out her dummy and put it in a pink plastic case marked with an ‘L’.
“Little Lolly sucked her paci so well for Daddy, I think she can take it out for the gallery. Such a grown-up girl, all ready for the art show. She might even stay dry today.”
He opened a chunky shoulder bag, tucked the dummy into a side pocket and let her see inside.
“Now sweetie, can you think of anything we might have forgotten? We want to get you into big-girl Louisa panties but I don’t want to get caught out if you have a little ‘Lolly moment’ in the gallery.”
Louisa looked with dismay at the contents of the bag. Two spare nappies, a pull-up, plastic pants, wipes, powder, two full baby bottles, a bib…

“Here,” said Daddy, handing her one of the bottles. “You can make a start on this one in the car. It’s blackcurrant,” he winked. “Lolly’s favourite.”
Louisa scowled, then hastily hid it, but Daddy noticed and raised an eyebrow. She hesitated for a moment, then sighed, growled, and popped the teat into her mouth, sucking grumpily.
“That’s my good girl,” said Daddy. “Don’t forget, there’s another one too. Unless you want me to give you your second bottle at the gallery for everyone to see – and you will be wearing your bib if that happens – you’d better finish both by the time we arrive.”
He checked his watch.
“We are a little late, I’m afraid. We might get some extra attention when we go in, but it can’t be helped. Anyway, little girls love to be noticed!”
Louisa winced, hoping nobody would recognise her in her pink bunny dress and ruffle socks. She looked back at the chic black outfit on the bed, then shuffled out to the car, sucking on her bottle.
As they approached the gallery door, Louisa paused. It was so busy, with people coming and going in effortlessly cool fashion. She looked down at herself in her toddler pinafore. Daddy had forbidden her to take out the silly topknot in her short hair, and with every step she took, her bulky nappy seemed to rustle as loudly as a jet engine. The hem of the skirt was only just long enough to cover the padding between her legs, and she was sure it made her walk differently.
Daddy showed the attendants their tickets and took her hand to lead her inside.
“Exciting, isn’t it?” he grinned at her, slipping a hand under her skirt to pat her diapered bottom. “Don’t forget. This is a trial run. If you manage to keep your nappy dry, we might even move on to pull-ups and then cotton panties, and then we might even see big Louisa again.”
Louisa scowled at him and tugged her hand free, but Daddy took it again.
“Don’t be a naughty girl, Lolly. Stay with Daddy so you don’t get lost. Otherwise we might have to out an announcement over the PA system to find you. Oh, and sweetie?”
“If you need to go potty, they have a code for the toilet door.”
“What is it?”
“Let me finish. Daddy knows the code, so tell him when you need to go potty and he’ll help you.”
Louisa blushed angrily. Daddy took her chin in his free hand and kissed her forehead.
“Aww, such a grumpy girl today. Don’t forget: Daddy’s got everything you need, so if he thinks you’re hungry, we can sit you down on the bench there, put a bib on you and feed you some dindins.”
Louisa’s blood ran cold.
“I’m not hungry.”
“’I’m not hungry’ what?”
“I’m not hungry…Daddy,” she grumbled.
“Good,” said Daddy. “That’s my sweet little girl. Let’s go look at some pretty pictures.”
They browsed the art, and for a short while, Louisa lost herself. It was a stunning show and she recalled her art history studies as she looked at the drawings and etchings. A couple of people gave her confused looks, but she turned her gaze back to the frames on the wall.
About 20 minutes in, however, she felt a strong pressure on her bladder. Those damned bottles. Ugh – she could still taste the sickly fruit drink. She shifted uncomfortably as she stood in front of a large portrait. Daddy raised an eyebrow.
“Is Lolly ok?”
“Fine,” she snapped, and strode forward, with Daddy following.
“You look so sweet with your hair ribbon in, baby,” he said, grinning wickedly. “I bet everyone here thinks you’re the cutest little thing, all excited at her first art show.”
Furious, she stomped on, yanking him forward where he gripped her hand.
The exhibition was much bigger than she’d anticipated, and at the end of each room, just as Louisa thought she might be able to escape, a fresh room awaited. The pressure grew and the temptation to let go grew too, but she couldn’t bear to ask him for the code. She could make it!
After six rooms, none of which Daddy would allow her to rush through, she panted in frustration. How much more of this was there? Her tummy was swollen and she was beginning to find it hard to walk.
“Oh look, sweetie!” Daddy said, giving her a little kiss on the cheek. “Even more pictures to look at! Aren’t you a lucky girl?”
He slipped a hand between her legs and felt her diaper.
“Such a big girl! Oh, but let’s see…”
His hand wandered across her round tummy and down over her poor aching bladder.
“Feels like you need to go, sweetie. Does Lolly have something she wants to say to Daddy?”
Louisa blushed and grimaced, trying desperately to hold it in. As his hand pressed lightly down, a dribble of pee slipped out, and she panicked.
“Um, I…I need the code. Daddy. I need it. Like, now.”
Daddy folded his arms.
“That’s not how a good girl asks, is it?”
“Ugh!” she groaned, exasperated. Oh God, it was getting painful. She couldn’t keep it in.
“I need to go potty, Daddy.”
“And what’s the magic word?”
Louisa danced from foot to foot, trying to keep control as a tiny bit more pee tinkled down into her padding.
“Please! Please can I go potty Daddy?”
Daddy was delighted.
“That’s my little princess! Lolly’s being such a good girl for Daddy! But…no.”
“WHAT?” Louisa was beginning to turn red with the effort of holding it in.
“Not yet. If you want to prove you’re a big girl who doesn’t need Pampers, you need to hold it a little longer.”
“You absolute fu – “ Louisa began to form a curse-word but stopped dead as Daddy fished out her dummy case from the shoulder bag.

“Aww, someone a bit tired and cranky? Do we need our paci? Maybe Lolly needs to suck her paci while Daddy takes her round?”
Louisa looked around, horrified, and shook her head.
“Of course – she’s a big girl,” said Daddy. He held her from behind as they looked at the painting in front of them. It was titled “Girl in a Pink Dress”.
Suddenly something buzzed in her diaper. The egg! Oh no….not, he wouldn’t….
Daddy’s hand was in his pocket when she twisted round. No – not a remote control….she couldn’t…ohh God…
The little egg hummed inside her, and the slick of coconut oil only added to her growing wetness. Oh god, but she needed to pee so badly! She couldn’t concentrate. Her muscles were twitching uncontrollably….
Daddy’s hand came around to her taut, swollen tummy once more and began patting it.
“Such a grown-up girl. Why are you wriggling, sweetie?”
The egg sped up, whirring and vibrating, and Louisa felt her knees shake as she panted and flushed. She felt an orgasm just over the horizon, and with every pat, it came closer.
“Daddy…” she moaned quietly, closing her eyes. “Daddy, stop it…I’m going to…”
“Shh, Baby. You can do it – you can hold your weewee for the potty. Don’t be fussy. Let’s get you all potty-trained and into some nice cotton panties.”
The egg sped up again, and Louisa was lost. Standing in the middle of the crowded gallery, with Daddy’s arms around her, she came hard. The sensation surged over her, and Daddy held her tightly as her knees buckled.
“Aww,” he whispered. “Is my little girl feeling tingly in her nappy?”
Louisa could only gasp as her body jolted with sensation. People walking past gestured to Daddy to ask if she was ok, and he nodded.
“Bit overexcited. She gets that way sometimes.”
The people nodded in understanding. In her pink pinny dress, if you weren’t looking closely, Louisa could have passed for a tallish 12-yr-old.
Eventually, her face scarlet and her bow askew, Louisa felt the waves of pleasure fade, and the egg whirred to a stop. But as she came back to earth, she became aware of a rustling sound, and something sagging between her legs.
She was wetting herself. Heavily. It was such a relief as the warm liquid flooded out of her, easing her poor bladder, but she was mortified. Louisa could only stand helplessly as the weight of the pee tugged the diaper down between her legs. She tried hopelessly to pull the hem of the skirt over the peep of diaper, but the padded bottom had also puffed out and expanded. She wriggled around, trying to cover as much as possible while sighing quietly in relief as she peed.
Praying nobody could see what was happening, she cringed as still more pee flowed into her nappy. It was so heavy. Surely it had to stop sometime!
Daddy chuckled, sneaking a hand under her pink skirt to feel the warmth in her crotch.
“Aww, Lolly. After your protests, I thought you might be able to last the trip without wetting yourself like a little baby. Just as well we brought some fresh Pampers, because this proves my point: you need to be diapered at all times. Imagine if you’d had panties on – what a puddle you’d have made in the gallery! Much better to do a wee-wee in your nappy and have Daddy change you. Yes?”
Louisa nodded, tears in her eyes, and Daddy adjusted her hair bow tenderly.
“Would my little girl like to go home? Aww, don’t cry, baby. We’ll give you your dummy in the car, whisk you home, and get you cleaned up and fastened into some thick, fresh diapers.”
She nodded again, unable to look up for the shame. Daddy tutted.
“I’m waiting for my nice girl to ask me properly. Otherwise we’ll go and see the rest of the rooms with you dragging a soaking, heavy nappy between your legs.”
Louisa stomped in frustration, but gave in and mumbled.
“Please will you take me home and change my nappy, Daddy?”
“Good girl. And do you want your dummy in the car?”
“Yes please, Daddy.”
“OK, let’s get this tired little one home. Daddy’s going to make up Lolly’s bottle and soft food as well, pop on her padded mitts so she can’t make trouble, and give her such a big cuddle when he’s changed her wet nappy.”
Daddy took the scarlet-faced girl by the hand as she rustled uncomfortably along. He paused only to buy a postcard in the gift shop of the painting “Girl in a Pink Dress”.