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It had been a joke, thought Ash. A stupid practical joke. But now it seemed the joke was very much on her.
She cast her mind back to the moment the idea popped into her head. She’d just been talking to Finn Sutton, the hot drummer from one of the sixth-form bands, Black Diamond, and she could tell he was interested. She sat down next to her best friend Pete with a smug grin on her face.
Suddenly a first-year had skipped – skipped, the loser! – into the cafeteria. She stood out a mile in her bunches and bows, and even wore frilly ankle socks like the infant class did. Clearly nobody had told her this was a bad idea at Parkholme Comprehensive. Suddenly Pete punched Ash in the arm and pointed at the kid.
“Check it out – Ruffles over there still plays with dolls!”
Sure enough, the young girl clutched a china doll to her chest. It had long golden curls with ribbons tied in them, and wore a ruffled white dress with roses and bows all over it.
“Gross. What a weirdo,” Ash had winced, and tucked into her spaghetti. But a few mouthfuls on, she began to grin as a wicked plan began to form. It’d make Pete laugh, anyway.
Cut to a few hours later. Ash had excused herself to get out of her class, gone to the kid’s bag, hanging from the pegs outside the Year 7 form rooms, and fished out the doll. Chuckling to herself, Ash scampered outside and over to the school flagpole.
Thankful for her grubby jeans and old t-shirt, she’d shinned up the pole like a monkey and hung the stupid doll upside from the top, skirt over its head, knickers on full display. Perfect.
Word spread fast that there was something worth seeing outside, and the stranded doll got a few giggles. The rain began to hammer down and soon the doll was drenched, its curled hair hanging in rats’ tails. When the first-year saw what had happened to her toy, she burst into tears. Pathetic, thought Ash, but she did feel a bit bad. Maybe the kid really needed that dolly.
As for Pete, he HAD laughed when he saw it, but the idiot wasn’t at all subtle.
“Nice one, Ash!” He shoved her affectionately, just as the head was walking up.
That was how she found herself sat in a plastic chair in the Head’s office, with the snivelling Year 7 kid sat beside her.
“You’re 18 now,” the Head had said sternly. “Off to university soon, and meant to be an adult. This is not the kind of cruel childish prank I expect of our sixth-formers, Miss Pace.”
“Sorry,” she had mumbled, not looking at the kid.
There was a knock at the door, and the school secretary popped her head round.
“Sorry Headmaster, but Lily’s older brother can take her home now.”
Finn walked in, and Ash’s mouth dropped. Him? He was related to this wimpy little princess?
Finn gave Lily a hug and turned to the reason for her tears.
“Ash, why would you do that to my little sister? She’s only 11 and she loved that doll. You think it’s funny to bully kids?”
Ash was speechless, and could only think to shrug in shame.
She had been sent to sit in the hall while they decided what to do with her. Ash’s mum arrived, shook her head in a not-again way and went straight past her into the office.
When the door opened again, they were all smiling, and she got a bad feeling as she went back in.
“You mother has come up with an excellent punishment,” said the Head. “Since you took away Lily’s doll, from Monday to Friday next week you can take its place.”
“What do you mean?” frowned Ash.
Her mum leaned forward. “Every morning, I’ll drive you to the Suttons’ house and you’re to let Lily dress you up any way she wants. Then Finn will drive the three of you to school. If Lily wants to hold your hand, you’re to let her. You’ll go with her to class and eat lunch with her and be a perfect little friend to her.”
Ash was aghast. Let this little brat choose her clothes? Eat with her at lunch?
“And if I don’t want to?”
Her mother’s expression hardened. “Then I’ll drive you up to the school gates each morning for a year, sit on the that bench, take down your knickers and spank you until you cry. That’ll put paid to your tough-girl image.”
Ash turned ashen at the prospect. She could hear the shrieks of laughter now. Her mother had only spanked her once before, but it was enough to make her wriggle and wail. This would be much harder.
“OK,” she said quietly, and Lily giggled and clapped her hands in delight.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun! Your Mummy’s given me some dress-up clothes and makeup in your size, so you’ll be really pretty. And I’m allowed to smack her bottom anytime she’s naughty, aren’t I? Like I do with Dolly?”
“Absolutely,” smiled Ash’s mother, “and if there’s anything else you need, just ask. I’m sure I can lay my hands on the sweetest little dresses.”
Her bullying daughter hung her head in dismay.

Which was how Ash came to be delivered the school gates on Monday morning, looking very different indeed from her old tomboy self. Finn opened the car door, grinning, and Lily bounced out, then pulled her real-life dolly out into the open.
Ash, or Tilly, as Lily now called her, wore a pastel pink smock dress with impossibly frilly skirts and “Princess” stitched across the front. Lily had curled her hair into ringlets and tied it in bunches with pink satin bows. Her face was clumsily made up with clownish blusher, messy pink lipstick and huge fake lashes. An adorable pair of ruffled bloomers poked out from beneath her swishy skirts and her feet were clad in ruffled ankle socks and glossy black mary-jane shoes. She carried a blue plastic purse with a bunny on it, and looked thoroughly miserable.
“Come on Tilly,” said Lily, taking her hand and dragging her along with surprising strength. “Let’s go meet everyone! This is going to be fun!”