The Traitor (Part 4)
Will Beatrice comply with her captors’ demands, or is she too proud? There are many ways to cure pride, particularly when someone is vain about their looks…
Will Beatrice comply with her captors’ demands, or is she too proud? There are many ways to cure pride, particularly when someone is vain about their looks…
The wicked Lord and Lady Devereaux have gone too far. The rebellion is at the gate, and these tyrants are about to get a very public punishment…
Lady Beatrice leans into her new role at the top of pecking order, and issues humbling rules for the women of the town. The dissent grows…
When a thriving town is tyrannised, one ambitious girl betrays them all. But her cruelty and selfishness may come back to bite her…
It’s the final day of Ash’s dolly distress. Lily’s got a fun final outfit to wheel out, and big brother Finn is keen to keep Tilly in line. Can she keep calm and toddle through this last challenge like a big girl?
Ash’s punishment for bullying begins, as she’s sentenced to take the place of her victim’s doll for the month. Lily’s a creative girl, with lots of ideas, and her older brother is only too happy to help humiliate Ash…
What diabolical plans does this suave gent have for his captive nosey journalist? Click through for the full caption…
When their beloved manager is replaced with a clueless nepotism-hire brat, office workers Fran and Pete begin to devise a plan for her downfall…
Someone’s giving this sticky-fingered brat something to cry about. Click through for the full caption.
Mindy’s had enough of nappies and demands to be allowed to graduate out of them. Ben’s happy to help her take the next step, if she’s ready…